Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Cloud computing applications and its immense benefits – An overview

Cloud computing applications can execute and run all sorts of applications if the architecture is strong enough. Moreover it offers a large number of benefits for the average user.

The cloud computing applications can do anything with the right middleware and even run all the programs which a normal computer could usually run. Custom programs, processing solutions, ERP for organizations, almost anything designed for a specific company can be run through a cloud computing system.

But is it really required that another computer system has to run programs and even store critical data. Here is why cloud computing works big time:

  • Clients can access their applications and critical data even if they are roaming. Any computer which is Internet-linked and runs well can serve as an access point to the company data. Data is not restricted to a single hard drive or a single computer or even a single internal network.
  • Cloud computing services helps in bringing hardware costs down. Cloud computing systems not required hardware systems which are complex and cost a moon. The fastest computer is not required with the fastest memory since the cloud system can help here. An inexpensive computer terminal would do the trick. The terminal can consist of monitor, keyboard and mouse and just enough to run the middleware. Most information would be stored in the remote computer. 
  • Cloud computing systems gives its clients access to nearly every computer application that you would need. There is absolutely no requirement of software licenses for every employee. A metered fee to the cloud computing company can give you organization-wide access.

  • There is now absolutely no need to buy physical space and store servers and databases since Cloud computing gives the option of data storage on other hardware removing the need for physical space.
  • No need for IT support since the provider will take care of these things. Streamlined hardware would in fact have lesser problems than a network of operating systems and machines.

If the cloud computing system's back end includes a grid computing system, then the client has access and advantage of the entire processing power offered by the provider. It is difficult for individual computers to complete tasks assigned by scientists and engineers since the requirement of processing power is huge. On a grid computing system, one can scale up on resources and the cloud system would release the processing power of all available computers on the back end which would help the data to be processed in a trice.

People worry about cloud computing due to two factors: security and privacy. Handing over data and security to a third party appears problematic for some and many executives might hesitate to take advantage offered by a cloud system just because they are apprehensive of keeping company's information under some relatively less secure lock and key.

It benefits a company to take security measures . Cloud computing companies offer advanced techniques for clients' data security. For safeguarding privacy is difficult. Client's privacy could be compromised if data is accessed anywhere. Cloud computing companies are always in the lookout of safeguarding client privacy. Authentication techniques such as user names and passwords are used considerably and even role-based access is provided.

Elan Emerging Technologies is a Leading Web Services providing Company that provides Cloud Development and Cloud Application Development by highly professional Cloud application developers with best technologies support and latest features provided by Cloud Computing App Development Companies.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Cloud Application Development and its Importance in Recent Times

The cloud is one of the major aspects which are propelling cost savings for thousands of big companies. Here is why the cloud has become important for everyone.

As the battles between operating systems and web development technologies rages on, there is another battle being waged which is between legacy computing vs. cloud computing.

Legacy computing consists of programs which are installed on a hard drive or a local server. Cloud Computing refers to all types of software services and platforms which have a base online. Emails are examples of cloud computing, some access mails through their installed programs while others use e-mail services directly online. Cloud computing services are used by many businesses everywhere.

Cloud computing services and its development is a cost-effective way to store and maintain databases and those who are into sales will find it efficient too. A platform on the cloud is helpful for everyone who can access data and procedures and can put it into one central location. Information can be organized in different departments for an organization-wide collaboration.

Cloud computing services are never installed on a particular computer. Services delivered when needed through the cloud, is known as SaaS (software as a service).Here the software is accessed online and the option provides storage, database creation, and a plethora of business-related services.

Cloud Computing Application Development solutions are less expensive than any software which are purchased off-the-shelf thus becoming a popular choice among many businesses who want to cut down on IT infrastructure. Pricing is done mostly on per-user basis which helps businesses to just pay a flat fee for the people who are actually using it. Time and money can be saved while going for an upgrade too cloud computing application development services are upgraded by those who are providing it so everyone using the service is already on the upgraded platform.

Cloud Computing Technology is prevalent nowadays since users have complete access to their information online whenever they need it. Cloud computing offers incredible ROI options and can be extremely cost-effective if used in an optimum manner.

The fear of losing data is one disadvantage of cloud computing which is felt by most businesses and hence have not resorted to online storage or database. When changes are made, they happen in real time in the cloud. There is absolutely no reason to worry if a computer crashes since the information is stored in the cloud. No need for daily backup is required either since security is maintained always. Information is just a password-click away only.

Cloud computing means a lot for many businesses since employees are endowed with the capability for doing things better and faster. Through collaboration, work is completed faster and information can be traced quickly as required. Custom solutions can be built depending on the wants of every business need and there are various options for cloud add-ons which work effectively. Most common software applications need to be placed in the cloud.

If any business is facing problems and there is a need to upgrade the present IT infrastructure, it is better to opt for cloud computing instead of making an upfront investment in legacy computing. Cloud computing has proved its success for many businesses.

Elan Emerging Technologies is a Leading Web development Company that provides Cloud App Development and Cloud Apps development by highly professional Cloud application developers with best technologies support.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Challenges in creating cloud web apps

Statelessness, server failure, and changing platforms are bound to confuse new developers who are venturing into cloud web apps development.

Cloud computing involves accessibility of different products and services on hosted servers and has certainly been part of the current IT trends. The number of cloud web apps developed in recent times has been quite high but this also brings a huge responsibility on the part of the developers.

Cloud deployments have helped out developers to not worry about infrastructure issues but they need to set themselves. These include changes in how developers work with databases, an emphasis on stateless applications, and dealing with different frameworks.

Different types of software are likely to be instrumental in providing that an application needs in the near future. Using APIs, most developers are writing apps specifically for the cloud and they are bound to buy more resources from the cloud provider.

Developers have to design their systems as per the redundancy factor and now commodity machines are being utilized in the cloud. One has to design applications that can be run on the cloud for redundancy since machines are going to fail, soon!

Building for the cloud is akin to designing stateless applications since there is no such concept of a local disk in the cloud nor there is any registry. The best and easiest kinds of applications are usually stateless. The interesting apps have a state which is connected to databases which store some state including user info. But different parts of the app like the Web front end are stateless.

Additionally, different parts of an application might be spread out in a cloud. Storage might be in Amazon S3 and the presentation layer might be on Facebook. Previously, everybody had all components of their system in one storage system.

Cloud platforms and cloud web apps can help. In some cases, scaling is implemented for a restricted combination of applications automatically while sometimes design patterns are used to horizontally scale applications. EC2 for example, can provide Multiple Availability Zones which only large companies could scale to do this previously.

The presence of abstraction and statelessness has various database implications in the cloud. For example, the Azure storage engine does utilize a standard relational database and hence standard apps do not matter anymore.

The problem with cloud platforms like Azure is that there's no guarantee that the data would be in a particular location or datacenter since stored procedures aren't relevant in any context due to the stateless nature of the platform. Even the Azure storage engine is different than the latest SQL Data Services which is the cloud-based version of SQL Server. Developers need to be clear and careful while writing cloud web apps. Azure stores data like a blob while SQL server stores data in a relational table.

It is not a problem with Windows Azure but there are many other cloud platforms which cause a whole lot of problems. Even the Google App Engine involves a developer who uploads code and then the database is split up. Since the process is automated, developers would like to follow a certain model which developers need to follow though it differs drastically from a traditional SQL model.

Elan Emerging Technologies is a Leading Web development Company that provides Cloud Computing Application Development and Cloud Computing Services by highly experienced Cloud App developers with best technical support and given best Cloud Computing Technology services with our professional developers.